Grab our Concrete plan to reclaim confidence

Wanna thrive in tough situations?

Our Black Friday Specials are over, but you can still grab our programs!

We're giving you a short-cut to feel more in control in competition:

program number one

+ Performance Anxiety Project

Tired of feeling exhausted before you even compete?

If you or your athlete experience paralyzing perfectionism, debilitating pressure, a queasy stomach, excessive worry, overthinks what could go wrong, or overly compares to others... Performance Anxiety Project is the answer you've been craving. If you're seeking a self doubt solution & want to channel nerves better, this micro course will teach you to destroy tension & perform loose!

Grab our concrete plan for developing a performance routine that settles the stress. Enjoy your sport again & reclaim confidence! FINALLY conquer mental meltdowns with the TOP 12 anxiety busting tools we teach our 1:1 clients. Years of teaching, coaching, researching & competing condensed into bite size lessons. We're giving you the shortcut to feeling more in control & calmer in competition. These tools are proven & practical! No more waiting to learn it, gain immediate access to consume at your pace & convenience.

This course teaches frustrated athletes how to manage emotions

  • Online student portal with lifetime access

  • Video lessons with explanations & demos

  • Mobile & tablet friendly

  • Workbook with practical tools

  • Easy to digest clips - each lesson under 10 minutes

  • Revisit lessons often & refer back fast

  • Multiple learning formats: video, audio, & written transcript

  • Let go of mistakes quicker

  • Kick hesitation to the curb

  • Defuse embarrassment

  • No more emotionally exhaustive competing

  • Clear your racing thoughts & compartmentalize

  • Unlock how to relax your body

DECODE Performance Anxiety in as little as 2 hours! Forget wasting energy on worry, save your energy for your performance!

what a steal of a deal!

let's talk about the results though

Here’s what some of our amazing clients have been able to achieve.

She did AMAZING and looked so confident and relaxed!

She pitched her best game ever today! She did AMAZING and looked so confident and relaxed! Her bat was also on fire! She literally put everything into action that you taught her! She’s on cloud nine and feels amazing!

Laura T.

Did you know?

70% of teens age 13 to 17 consider anxiety a “major problem” and want help managing it. Performance Anxiety Project can TURN THAT AROUND!

A study by the Pew Research Center in late 2018 found 70% of teens age 13 to 17 consider anxiety a “major problem” and want help managing it.

program number two


Sick of being hyper-critical & replaying what went wrong over & over?

Think of Negativity Neutralizer as your playbook for endless overanalyzing, destructive inner dialogue, constant complaining, disruptive mood swings & annoying second guessing. If you or your athlete suffer from not being able to accept compliments, worry about judgement from others, struggle receiving feedback, tend to expect the worst, fear taking risks, or make excuses... Negativity Neutralizer can revolutionize your life!

So many competitors think: "That's how I am, I'm not good at seeing the bright side, or it won't work on me" BUT this course doesn't teach positivity, we teach how to be neutral & actually re-wire your brain using Neuroscience.

If you're worn out from your past dictating your future, have a tough time accepting mistakes, let your attitude damage your ability, or struggle focusing on your strengths, it's time to become more coachable!

PSA: Mental Toughness can be learned (not it's not just positive self-talk)

  • It's time to become more coachable & comeback from mistakes

  • Squash limiting beliefs

  • Stop anticipating what will go wrong

  • View pressure as a privilege

  • Transform how you face challenges

  • Wipe out skepticism

  • Alter how you see yourself

  • Be able to try new things


  • Online student portal with lifetime access

  • Work at your own pace

  • Video lessons with explanations & demos

  • Clear & concrete strategies taught

  • Workbook with simple to implement tools

  • Easy to digest clips - each lesson under 10 minutes

  • Revisit lessons often; materials are yours for life

  • Multiple learning formats: video, audio, & written transcript

Upgrade what you think you're capable of & master how to respond not react!

It's a steal of a deal!

let's talk about the results though

Here’s what some of our amazing clients have been able to achieve.

“I’m not being dramatic when I say I couldn’t put a price on this. I almost hesitated to buy the workshop, but I’m so glad I didn't. The advice in this workshop is really relevant and applicable. Thank you.”

Courtney B.

Did you know?

Many student-athletes report higher levels of negative emotional states than non-student-athlete adolescents. The majority of studies reveal that athletes are more likely to have challenges in this area. Let Negativity Neutralizer conquer your distress!

Many student-athletes report higher levels of negative emotional states than non-student-athlete adolescents. The majority of studies reveal that athletes are more likely to have challenges in this area.

program number three


Are you jeopardizing your athlete's success by your "helpful" comments?

Stop reacting & start being intentional with how you give feedback & motivate your athlete.

This mini course is a private podcast feed for parents to learn how to communicate with their athlete more effectively. There's no parenting manual, you're just supposed to figure it out & hope you don't screw up your kids in the process.

If you're a parent or a coach who has struggled with athletes that: pick fights, can't recover from a mistake, don't like facing discomfort, can't receive criticism, freeze when making decisions, struggles with mental blocks, or maybe is just underachieving based on their beliefs: "I'm not smart enough, not athletic enough, not fast enough, not strong enough, not flexible enough" YOU NEED THESE TIPS!

After years of presenting parent workshops, I've finally created an easy to consume on-the-go resource for those with a schedule "where there's never enough time." After you check out, you get an email that sends you a private link, then you can listen instanlty on your favorite app - 10 episodes with 5-8 tangible tips each episode.

Once you utilize behavior psychology to your advantage, you become a source of support not a source of pressure.

If you've wanted to know:

  • What to say after a tough practice

  • How to have conversations without constant arguments

  • How to get your kids to actually listen to you

  • How to help them reset or calm down

  • How to redirect them when all they say is "I suck"

  • How to teach them to have fun

  • How to give feedback so they actually want to implement it

  • What you should & shouldn't share with your athlete

  • How to know when it's time to retire or push them

  • When to give reminders on what they "need" to be doing

  • How to teach forgiveness

If you're fed up with how your athlete handles frustration...

Reshape how you parent with this program & gain tangible tips not just theories!

This is a steal!


  • Private podcast: only listen to with purchased link

  • Discover several tips per episode

  • Clear & concrete strategies taught

  • Written transcript to review

  • Revisit episodes, material is yours for life

let's talk about the results though

Here’s what some of our amazing clients have been able to achieve.

That seminar was so good. I can tell you like teaching this stuff so it makes learning fun. This was so beneficial and super helpful.

Brianna B.

Did you know?

The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found mental training programs lead to better anxiety management and enhances self confidence as well as impacting their physical results. Get your athletes what they need to compete STRONGER!

The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found mental training programs lead to better anxiety management and enhances self confidence as well as impacting their physical results.

program number four


Trying to figure out which program speaks to YOU more?

This last option is a bundle of all 3. All the courses were designed for the most common concerns our clients have. Each course is unique & there is different material in each one, but they complement each other exceptionally well. Here’s your chance to get what I’m calling your ‘Mental Game Accelerator’ & contains what I feel every athlete that comes to see me NEEDS to know! Some people might only have one concern, if that’s the case, get what’s best for you. Based on years of experience, I know most have a combo of crap setting up camp in their head & this is how to tackle it!

Athletes come to my office daily expressing the need to overcome negative thinking & troublesome nerves! And, parents ask multitple times a day, “what should I say when (blank) happens” so Tenacity Tactics Toolkit was born to get you instant access to the answers. Get those systems & strategies in place for the best season yet. 

Spoiler alert: it takes less time than you think to jumpstart your mental game. If you’re tired of practice not transferring to competition, falling short on your goals, or freezing in fear, there's nothing wrong with you, you just need the right coping skills. It’s time to major in: composure, consistency, comebacks, clarity, confidence, & communication! With this bundle, you can binge & be ready to apply the next time you compete. This solution is even better than 1:1 coaching where you’re just hoping you remember what we talked about. You now have a resource to review as often as you'd like!


  • Performance Anxiety Project

  • Negativity Neutralizer

  • Parenting Performers Program

Take advantage of the bundle pricing before it’s gone!

Save $48!!

Regular price = $345

new around here?


Hi there,

I’m Ashley Eckermann & I own Maximize the Mind Mental Performance Coaching.

My practice is at capacity serving 1:1 clients. My schedule couldn’t accommodate anymore, but I still want to help you be successful. These programs allow me pass on some of the best strategies I teach in a different format. Time to try on-demand courses where you can master your mental game digitally!

I teach athletes of all ability levels how to train smarter & thrive under pressure. For over two decades, I’ve worked with athletes as a head coach, teacher, consultant, & practitioner. I’ve developed tools to cultivate a stronger mindset & manage emotions through one-on-one sessions & workshops. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Texas Tech University & a Master of Science in Sports Psychology from Florida State University. During my career, I’ve coached All-Americans, State Champions, Olympians, Professionals, & received Coach of the Year Awards. As a 6X Ironman finisher, I truly appreciate the role mental toughness plays. I’m always training for something & have had my fair share of surgeries, so I absolutely get how much an injury could damage our confidence. I’m so passionate & enthusiastic about helping people discover their competitive edge & improve their performance. Teaching mental strength techniques is kinda my jam!

So what am I like on video? Are you curious if I’ll be able to keep your attention or thinking what if it’s boring?  Well, I’m really animated & energetic. I’m not a "positive polly fake instructor." I just love spreading knowledge & explaining the science behind how it all works. I hated when coaches used to tell me to do a drill but not say what it was for or how it would actually help me. We need justification to want to try new things! As a former teacher, it’s important to me to explain why I’m asking you to do something & go over what it will do for you. I sincerely value connection & giving examples & stories when I teach, so the lesson is memorable. I bring my former coaching voice to motivate others because my ultimate goal is to educate people on the importance of being mentally prepared. I hope you’ll join me inside these courses to change how you perform!

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.


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