I’m sick of practice not transferring to competition, give me Tenacity Tactics Toolkit!

I want to conquer what’s been holding me back & get on the podium!

Tenacity Tactics Toolkit

Performance Anxiety Project, Negativity Neutralizer & Parenting Performers were all designed to solve the most common concerns our clients have. Each course is unique & there is different material in each one, but they complement each other exceptionally well. Here’s your chance to get what I’m calling your ‘Mental Game Accelerator’ bundle & contains what I feel every athlete that comes to see NEEDS to know!

Based on years of experience, I know most athletes have a combo of crap setting up camp in their head & this is how to tackle it!

I haven't met an athlete in my office who hasn’t expressed a need to overcome negative thinking & troublesome nerves! And, I’ve yet to meet a parent who hasn’t asked “what should I say when (blank) happens” so that’s where Tenacity Tactics Toolkit comes in. Get those systems & strategies in place for the best season yet.

Spoiler alert: it takes less time than you think to jumpstart your mental game.

Master what would take you several 1:1 sessions to learn in just a few hours! We’re not talking weeks of lessons to sift through, this bundle has easy to consume content to fast track results! If you can’t commit to weeks of 1:1 sessions, or you can’t afford to miss practices or school, or you can’t make the financial investment in 1:1 sessions, this is your most well engineered option!

No hoping what you found on YouTube works, this bundle only contains research proven strategies. How awesome is it to be able to work at your pace too? You can binge it & be ready to apply the next time you compete. Then you can go back & reference it over & over so it’s better than 1:1, where you’re just hoping you remember what we talked about.

If you’re tired of practice not transferring to competition, falling short on your goals, or freezing in fear… you just need the right coping skills! No more menacing self doubt! It’s time to major in: composure, consistency, comebacks, clarity, confidence, & communication! Take advantage of the heck-of-a-deal bundle pricing!

$345 $297!

Savings of $48!

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Easy To Understand Tutorials: Athlete courses are in video format so you can follow along. Each video shows examples, demos, & when to apply everything. Parenting course in audio format to consume on the go.

Fillable Worksheets & Checklists for Athlete Courses: We break down how you can apply each tool for your sport & teach you how to customize it for you. We pride ourselves in teaching material that athletes actually want to implement. We personally never liked being told “just take a deep breath” or “don’t think about it” so, we provide steps & resources that you’ll be able to complete & see the results.

Practical Tools Not Just Theory: For the athlete courses, there are action activities after each lesson to ensure you retain the info. For the parent/coach course, there are communication tips & conversation starters, no worksheets or assignments to mess with.


Performance Anxiety Project & Negativity Neutralizer courses:

  • Online student portal with lifetime access for both courses

  • Learn at your own pace

  • Video lessons - easy to digest clips - each lesson under 10 minutes

  • Courses are mobile & tablet friendly

  • Workbooks for both courses come with simple to implement tools & a thorough explanation of each one

  • Revisit lessons as often as you want for better retention

  • Multiple learning formats included

  • Discover the most effective researched based tools to transform your mindset

    Parenting Performers Program

  • Private podcast feed to listen on the go

  • Discover several tips per episode

  • Clear & concrete strategies taught

  • Written transcript to review

  • Revisit episodes, material is yours for life


If you are not fully satisfied with Tenacity Tactics Toolkit, you may reach out to us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchasing the course & receive a full refund. Our hope is that your life is transformed by the mental game skills you gain. In order to be eligible for our 14-day money back guarantee, we expect you to implement all lessons taught in the course. If you do the full coursework & don’t see any improvement in how you feel & it doesn’t exceed your expectations, share your experience & we’ll promptly refund your course fee. 

Have you done everything to perform to your potential?

To the ATHLETE - Could you be better if you knew how to react differently when things went wrong? What if you could compete more relaxed? You should look forward to competing. It should be fun. The average competitor quits when it gets tough, but after you learn sport psychology tools, no more emotionally exhaustive competing. You’ll be in control & have authority to improve your performance.

To the PARENT - What if I fast tracked your way to being a better parent? What if you were given access to parenting psychology without going through a ton of books? Make your kid’s athletic career full of incredible memories they cherish, understand how to help them through embarrassment, & encourage them to try new things. You only have one shot at being the best parent you can be!

Get access to a library of tools that better serve you!

this deal is


Tenacity Tactics Toolkit bundle is gold!

  • Tenacity Tactics Toolkit works for all types of athletes

  • It gives you creative ideas you may not have thought of

  • Tactics will help with stress, worry, fears, frustration, anxiety, limiting beliefs, overthinking, & comparisons

  • Learn what we teach in 1:1 sessions faster & more efficiently

  • Get real life examples from industry experts who do this every day

frequently asked questions:

How much time is required?

The Tenacity Tactics Toolkit is a bundle of 3 courses. Each course is a little over 2 hours a piece. You could binge them in a weekend or you can watch each lesson individually & apply one tool at a time over the course of a few weeks. Each video is broken up into manageable chunks no longer than 10 minutes. You don’t have to commit to watching an hour-long video at one time. Each parent podcast episode is between 12-20 minutes. You’ll receive your personal private feed link & once you subscribe to it, all episodes can be listened to in the podcast player of your choice. You can re-listen as many times as you like. Performance Anxiety & Negativity courses are housed in an online student portal where you can easily find all resources & consume bits at a time. You learn best & retain the information with application & repetition, so we suggest watching a few lessons & doing the activity so you get used to it. You definitely want to practice the strategies before you need them. Then come back & review it before competition - hearing it multiple times will help a ton!

How fast can I expect to see results?

You can expect results as soon as you implement one of the strategies taught. We will talk about each tool in depth, explaining how to use it, when to use it, & what to expect the first few times you implement it as well as how it will continue to help you. Each tool or strategy has it’s own benefits, but as soon as you have completed the course & have several to apply, you’ll really start to notice yourself handling frustration better. The key is practicing them so you remember to use them when your mind might be distracted by intense emotions of competing.

What if I already see you for 1:1 sessions, would I benefit?

We're so excited to offer courses because you can re-watch & listen to lessons as many times as you want. Repetition = retention, which then means you’ll apply it when you need it! The hardest thing to hear from athletes when I ask how’d your last tournament go - is I forgot to use what we talked about. Most of the time, it’s because they didn’t review or didn’t go over it enough so it was automatic. There will be some concepts you've heard before if you have been with us a long time, but depending on how many sessions you've had, or how long it's been since you've been in, you'll probably learn something new. It may also be a good way to hold yourself accountable to mentally prep for an upcoming tryout or new season. We often say we'll look over our notes on our own, but do we? If scheduling a 1:1 is hard for you, this is an awesome way to learn. Courses could also be good for a sibling that's never had a chance to work 1:1 with us.

We pay for private lessons, why do we need this too?

Mental Performance Courses can make what your athlete is learning in those lessons click faster! As soon as your athlete has a method for working through stress, fear, & anxiety, they can finally spend time working on goals & advancing their skills. They're no longer taking time out for meltdowns & questioning if it's all worth it.

What if my athlete doesn’t think “he/she needs it”?

Athletes need to know nothing is wrong with them for working with a mental performance coach. We get athletes "don't want help" sometimes. We encourage parents to share this with their children before training: We help athletes improve performance, make it more fun to compete, stress less & have the advantage over competition by learning to be more assertive. Think of us like brain coaches helping athletes develop mental toughness. It's like seeing a physical therapist, nutritionist, hitting coach, or SAT prep coach - we're experts on the mental part of competing & our job is help you enjoy your sport & be less frustrated. Ask them if they'd like to gain an edge, perform more consistently & worry less? We teach research based scientific tools they can do to perform better. Usually this helps ease the idea of taking a workshop, a course, or talking with someone.

I’m not an athlete. Is this course still applicable?

You can absolutely benefit from learning mental strength tools! The examples will be geared towards athletes, but I’ve never met someone who handles stress & adversity beautifully all the time. We’re all susceptible to overthinking, inability to focus, lack of patience, not being able to reset or sleep, excessive worry, muscle tension, or just feeling suffocated by our emotions. We aren’t eliminating symptoms, we’re trying to change how we approach them & better our response to them. We’ve all had negative self-talk, been overwhelmed by the pressure of deadlines or expectations, questioned our ability, & had limiting beliefs hold us back from going after something we wanted. So if any of those struggles resonate with you, you’ll enjoy learning the strategies taught. It’s all about becoming a more resilient version of yourself. If you could become a person who doesn’t let fear win, makes decisions faster, & feels more in control of their life, then imagine what you’d be capable of, whether that’s in the workforce, in a relationship, as a parent, or as a friend. I certainly wish I had these tools when I was younger, they could’ve saved me from burnout, cracking under pressure, & many tears.

Will you be releasing more courses in the future?

Yes. We love your excitement & willingness to learn! Knowledge is power! We have a course on mental blocks, a course on time management & procrastination, a course on reaching goals, & a few others coming soon. It’s a long process to create these, so they’ll be out in the next year.

Is everything available immediately?

All courses will be available in the online student portal on Friday November 25th.

How do I access the materials?

After you purchase the course, you’ll receive an email with your username, password, & instructions on how to access the membership area. This is where your course is housed in the online student portal. Any course you purchase from Maximize the Mind will “live” in the same membership area so it’s easy to find everything in one location. We suggest bookmarking the membership area so you can get to the trainings quickly. You can log in & watch or listen to the course anytime, you can print any materials you want hard copies of, or you can reference them online. There are several exercises you’ll be asked to complete & we will provide instructions on what we think is the best way to take action in each video & audio lesson.

How long can I keep it for?

When you buy our courses, you are getting lifetime access. It doesn’t expire, the course lives in your online student portal & you get access for as long as the course exists. You just log in & reference the materials as many times as you’d like. Forever is a hard concept because, you know, that’s like billions of years. If I decide to shut the course down, I will give you at least 30-days notice & give you the chance to download all the videos, workbooks, & templates - so technically you can keep it as long as you like. If you’re interested in lawyer jargon, you can check out our Terms & Conditions.

Do you have people who’ve used this with success?

We have a ton of testimonials & positive feedback from athletes over the years. This “on demand” format is new, but the course has been taught live before in workshops, camps, 1:1 sessions, & with teams. We want to offer new innovative ways to develop mental strength & encourage learning on the go. It has been an honor & a privilege to see athletes we’ve worked with evolve & make their goals reality!

Will this be enough to solve my problem?

The course is designed to educate efficiently & give athletes quick wins. We will give easy to digest concepts & strategies to apply immediately. This is a great opportunity to build a foundation, & honestly you’ll learn what would typically take about 6-7 sessions to cover, so you can build quite a solid mental game plan! However, we can only cover so much in a few hours. We chose tools & concepts to include in the course that solve the most common struggles we see athletes dealing with. There are plenty of sport specific things we teach & personal questions we ask in a 1:1 session that allow us to help athletes with coaching conflicts, parent pressure, team dynamics, recruiting stress, etc. that we won't be going into. Is it enough for you - really depends on what you have going on. Most people will learn enough to see a difference in their performance, then some may want to start 1:1 work afterwards & get feedback every session that applies to them.

Is this personalized?

We believe the fastest way to learn how to handle failure & thrive in high pressure situations is through online learning, such as courses like this. How well you perform is directly related to how you mentally prepare - think about using these tools in your next competition vs having to wait months to work with someone 1:1. Most people have never taken the time to learn the research & just don't have the knowledge of what to do. So imagine getting access to that knowledge right now! Most people I work with say, "wow I never knew that!" A lot of the strategies are simple, it's not magic, it takes practice, but they are proven scientific concepts that are attainable. I, Ashley, felt bad for people waiting so long to get on my 1:1 schedule that I decided to add in courses & workshops. I wanted to expose more people to the benefits of mental performance coaching, so I took concepts & tools I teach 1:1 that I knew were commonly needed to create these courses. The most personalized way to develop mental game will always be 1:1 sessions, but this is a great way to start gaining knowledge & make progress. I teach a lot of the same tools to athletes in my practice of all different ability levels & all different sports, so even though you don’t get to ask me questions for personalized feedback, you’re learning the same material I would teach if you were in my office because I know it works!

What will I learn that I can’t just YouTube?

You could absolutely use free content & confuse the heck out of yourself by trying to piecemeal 100 peoples’ advice. It’ll result in 87 tabs open on your computer, & a plan that you're (fingers crossed) hoping helps. This course teaches scientifically proven methods that I’ve taught in private practice for years that I’m proud to say over a thousand athletes have had success with. I was a head coach & a teacher for over a decade before I went into private practice, so something I take great pride in is connecting with people. I believe in giving examples, solid communication & relating with stories. Just because you know the material doesn't mean you can help others understand it. I believe I've been an effective coach because of how I communicate, so my goal is to teach others what I know works!

What’s your experience?

I have a private practice in Houston Texas & have worked with athletes in many capacities. I’m trained specifically in sport psychology, competed at a high level, dealt with injuries, conducted powerful workshops, & assisted Olympic & professional athletes improve. I was a head coach & a teacher for over a decade before I went into private practice, so something I take great pride in is connecting with people. I believe in giving examples & bringing energy to the party. My philosophy: Just because you know the material doesn't mean you can help others understand it; that’s a gift! I believe I’ve built a successful practice at Maximize the Mind because of how I deliver material & connect with people (yes even on screen).

I’m a hands on person. Does this online stuff really work?

Although it’s online, the workshop has action steps that are very hands-on & applicable. I teach with high energy to keep you interested & provide proven tools to implement, not just theories. Over the course of my career, I’ve hosted virtual workshops, camps, & virtual 1:1 sessions with a ton of success.

What if I don’t have time to add one more thing to do?

Athletes spend so much time training physically & learning technique, but are rarely taught how to respond to difficult situations. Your sport should be fun & you shouldn't feel tense all the time or want to quit because of your stress/anxiety/mindset. The average competitor quits when it gets tough because they never learned “how to be better, how to have an advantage, how to cope, how to problem solve, how to be more assertive, how to channel nerves, or how to handle stress.” The difference between the average individual & the one who becomes a starter or moves to the next level is grit, motivation, energy, & courage – all of which are gained in mental skills training. Can you afford not to spend time on the mental side? This is around 2 hours of efficient training, this is the fastest way to get valuable tools to improve your performance. Just commit to watching two 10 min videos or listening to two 10 minute podcasts a night, & you’d be done in a week! You can re-watch or listen again, anytime.

Who is this for? (ages, athlete, coaches, & parents explained)

The course examples will be geared towards athletes. We believe the material is easy to follow for ages 12 & up. The material is taught in 1:1 sessions to all levels of athletes & you may be surprised to know my professional athletes have a lot of the same struggles my kids do! We have had athletes as young as 8 learn a lot from our programs, & be able to implement tools well, it just depends on maturity level & a parent may have to watch with them to make sure they can give reminders of what to do. If you're a weekend warrior, amateur athlete, or professional athlete looking for ways improve performance & cultivate a stronger mindset, then you will absolutely benefit. If you're a coach wanting to help your athletes "reset" & not "internalize it all" so they compete stronger, then you could benefit a ton too. If you're a parent who wants to know how to help their kid "relax" & compete "looser" then this is up your alley too!

Please Note: Defusing your negativity & anxiety may cause boat loads of confidence & massive amounts of leveling up your competitiveness!

"I’ve listened to all the episodes in the Parenting Performers podcast multiple times because it’s just that good. Your ideas are applicable and you suggest things that I feel like I can handle."

— Elizabeth b.

"Thanks for not being boring and teaching stuff that I can't believe actually works. I WISH I had this stuff years ago.”

— Ella b.


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